Friday, March 2, 2007

Paying your way to a high Digg ranking

Digg is a very popular service for breaking news, and has become incredibly popular in the recent past. What is Digg ? It is a service where anybody can submit articles, new stories, anything at all. If other people like this story, they will Digg the story and if a story gathers enought Diggs, the story will move to the front page so that more people can view the story.
Now such a service would seem to be very prone to misuse, but Digg claims that it can tell when people are trying to manipulate the service and prevent such fraud from happening. Such a claim is ripe for people to try and expose that this is not a fool proof method. So here is a story from Wired about a paid service that claims to promote stories on Digg for money, and how the writer of the article actually got a pretty useless blog to the front page. It stayed for some time, and actually took on a life on its own before it got moved off.

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