Friday, June 15, 2007

Safari on Windows already with 1 million downloads

When Steve Jobs released the beta of its web browser, Safari on Windows at a worldwide developer's conference, he may not have expected this kind of response. This release was also broadcast as the release of the fastest surfing software for Windows.
Even though the browser got hit by security problems and Apple has already released 3 patches to fix major security issues (and Steve Jobs would certainly not have been happy at such adverse publicity about such major problems), it was successful in another front. Within 48 hours of release, Safari got more than 1 million downloads.
Whether this spurt will continue or not is unknown, although Apple would be hoping that it become as popular in the browser application area as iTunes is in the cross-platform music buying and playing software. Safari is currently trailing IE and Firefox in the browser wars, with only 5% (native Mac users) as opposed to IE's 80% and Firefox's 15% market share. If Apple wants to come out with some strength in the browser wars, it will need to push the browser much more.
It will have to come out with more plugin support, not be too different in terms of interface from IE and Firefox, and be very easy to use.

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